EDIT: Someone asked me if this video is on YouTube. It is, right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8XxxvQ6alY . I wanted to make sure I provided it in a format that didn’t automatically come with advertising, which is why I didn’t share that link first. I have a phobia about doing videos because I have a goofy voice […]
Expanding Wikipedia Seismograph Into a Related Concept Explorer
Before, Wikipedia Seismograph used Wikipedia page view spikes to create date-bounded Google News searches, but I added in a bunch of different APIs and functionality. Now it’s a concept-exploring machine and I’ve barely gotten started adding stuff to it.
Exploring YouTube Channels Via Wikidata
My obsession with YouTube search has entered its second week. This time I’m playing with a way to browse YouTube channels while using Wikidata as context.
Wikipedia and YouTube: A Beautiful Search Mashup
After trying to trace an AI slopline from popular Wikipedia topics to YouTube, I decided to see if I could make a more general YouTube search that builds queries off Wikipedia pages. It works great!
Tracing a Slopline from Wikipedia to YouTube
I wanted to see if there was a connection between popular Wikipedia topics and produced slop so I knocked a tool together and called it Slopline; it checks Wikipedia by date for trending pages and checks YouTube by same date to see if the topics have been slopified into short, AI-heavy video.
Wikipedia Articles As Containers Holding Intra-Wiki Link Elements: Turning Those Into Search Queries
My thinking about Web search and making the most useful query possible has focused a lot recently on the idea of query-as-cloud-of-topics; instead of thinking about George Washington as a singular search terms you might think of him as a structure encompassing every possible way you can contextually describe George Washington – dentures, cherry trees, […]
Updating WikiTwister
Last year I put together WikiTwister, a site for Wikipedia / Wikidata tools. It was useful but I never really liked the design. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve updated it and added a couple of new tools. I think you’ll like it! Here are the six tools that make up the new WikiTwister. […]
Find Out What’s Moving and Shaking With Wikipedia Hot Topics
Wikipedia Hot Topics analyzes the top 1000 Wikipedia pages for a given date, finds the ones which had a significant view bump against a 7-day median (more than 100%), then divides them into categories (living humans, deceased humans, films, even categories like “rare diseases”. The category information is being taken from Wikidata’s P31 “instance of” value.) Each Wikipedia article on the list gets a detail section with more information about the article along with link to external tools and resources.
See How Wikipedia Topics Are Shaking the News With a Wikipedia Seismograph
By visually displaying the deviations from a seven-day moving average in a chart (which looks to me like a seismograph output) you can easily see peaks in the public’s interest in a topic. Of course, that knowledge isn’t very interesting unless you can also discover why the interest has peaked, so the WPS also includes a feature to let you create date-bounded Google News searches using the chart output.
Searching in Data Tide Pools Before Braving Google’s Oceans
I’ve been playing with the idea of building a little wading pool of data that offers a limited but reasonably authoritative collection of information (in this case Wikipedia), and then exploring the relationships between those data to build more complex search engine queries that are less likely to get snared by junk Google results. I made […]