EDIT: Someone asked me if this video is on YouTube. It is, right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8XxxvQ6alY . I wanted to make sure I provided it in a format that didn’t automatically come with advertising, which is why I didn’t share that link first. I have a phobia about doing videos because I have a goofy voice […]
Expanding Wikipedia Seismograph Into a Related Concept Explorer
Before, Wikipedia Seismograph used Wikipedia page view spikes to create date-bounded Google News searches, but I added in a bunch of different APIs and functionality. Now it’s a concept-exploring machine and I’ve barely gotten started adding stuff to it.
Exploring YouTube Channels Via Wikidata
My obsession with YouTube search has entered its second week. This time I’m playing with a way to browse YouTube channels while using Wikidata as context.
Wikipedia and YouTube: A Beautiful Search Mashup
After trying to trace an AI slopline from popular Wikipedia topics to YouTube, I decided to see if I could make a more general YouTube search that builds queries off Wikipedia pages. It works great!
Tracing a Slopline from Wikipedia to YouTube
I wanted to see if there was a connection between popular Wikipedia topics and produced slop so I knocked a tool together and called it Slopline; it checks Wikipedia by date for trending pages and checks YouTube by same date to see if the topics have been slopified into short, AI-heavy video.
Collab-O-Matic: Using AI To Create YouTuber Teamups
I’ve been thinking lately about using AI to aggregate and respond to current/contextual information as it seems to me that’s a better use of it than something as general as Web search. With Web search the AI requires a lot of contextual understanding and common sense which it doesn’t have, so you end up with […]
Web Search Where AI Is The Condiment And Not the Main Course
One of the reasons I’m not a big fan of AI search is that it doesn’t seem granular enough to me. That is to say, there’s not a lot of back-and-forth, patron interview type stuff so the AI is left to do a substantial amount of heavy lifting in the form of inferring all the […]
SearchTweaks.com Updated
I’m getting everything ready for my APRA Wisconsin presentation on Wednesday, where I’ll be discussing how to use three of my web sites — SearchTweaks.com, WikiTwister.com, and MegaGladys.com . To that end I spent this morning updating SearchTweaks, changing some things around and killing some bugs. Unfortunately the local news search is going to stay […]
US Local News Search, Now With TV Stations, Newspapers, *and* NPR Member Stations
I’m still working to add new sources to the United States Local News Search ( https://searchtweaks.com/lns/ ). It started with just TV stations and then I added newspapers. I’ve now added a third source: NPR member stations. In addition, I’ve done some cleaning and polishing and the program’s easier to use. US Local News Search […]
US Local News Search Gets State Newspapers
I’ve been continuing work on my US Local News search because I’m sick of trying to find news online and getting whatever slop someone managed to slip into a search engine’s index. When I want local news I want LOCAL NEWS, not junk! I’ve just finished a new version and I’m pleased to share it […]