Sometimes as I’m learning JavaScript I feel stuck, like I’m spinning my wheels and not learning much. When that happens I tend to pick something low-stakes and silly to do to gain new skills — like maybe applying Anthropic’s machine vision API to old Match Game episodes?
Shaking Wikipedia Categories to See What Pops Up
I’ve been spending the last few days playing with my favorite mental chew toy, the question “How do you ask for what you don’t know?” It’s an important question because every search engine query above a certain level of complexity involves filling in a knowledge gap. How you understand, define, and contextualize that gap means […]
Rewiring Super Edu Search for Stract
Someone on Mastodon gave me a great idea for a search tool, but I’m having to think my way around some CORS issues so it’s stewing in the back of my brain. In the meantime I’m working on integrating the Stract search API with Super Edu Search. I made Super Edu Search because Google’s site: […]