I’m using the holiday to work on WikiTwister, which is a utility site with tools designed to extract information from Wikipedia. This will be my SIXTH (!) hand-coded Web site this year (what the heck, Calishain.)
Every time I make a site I try to make it one step better than the one before. With WikiTwister I started with a mechanism to search Wikipedia categories by keyword and added functionality to that instead of making discrete mechanisms.
Only a little ways into it I can tell this is going to make some of my research a lot easier. Finding a list of solar energy organization Web sites is as easy is searching for solar energy, finding an “organizations” category, and choosing to view its P856 (official website) data.
I’m trying to go slow and make sure everything works just right before I go on to the next step, but I really want to wire in the bit that downloads category Wikidata as CSV files….