I used to play Rimworld a lot in the evening, but since I started learning JavaScript, it’s much more interesting to make up my own games. Yesterday evening I pretended I had just started a Mastodon instance for a county fire and rescue and I was designing a tool to make their posts as useful […]
Turning A Wikipedia Popularity List Into a News Search
Curly and I have been playing a game called “How much information can you get with no information?” A fun field to play this on is Wikipedia’s top 1000 pages list, which provides a list of Wikipedia’s articles by pageviews on a specific date. The information I’m trying to get from such a list is […]
Reconsidering Web Search With Contextual Boundaries, Authority, Interest, and Overlapping (Part III: Popularity/Interest)
In Part I of this series, I talked about using metadata to define contextual boundaries in Web search. That approach took data germane to the subject (like birth date and location) and used it to define Web spaces for searching. In Part II, I looked at using authoritative structures/references to build Web spaces and do […]
Reconsidering Web Search With Contextual Boundaries, Authority, Interest, and Overlapping (Part II: Authority)
In Part I of this series, I talked about using metadata to define contextual boundaries in Web search. That approach took data germane to the subject (like birth date and location) and used it to define Web spaces for searching. In Part II, I want to look at using authoritative structures/references to build Web spaces […]
Reconsidering Web Search With Contextual Boundaries, Authority, Interest, and Overlapping (Part I: Contextual Boundaries)
(Update: I spoke to the Apra Wisconsin folks at the end of March and had a lovely time.) I have been asked to speak to the folks of Apra Wisconsin at a virtual event sometime in the near future about Web search. I’ll be talking about people search because the audience is prospect researchers, but I […]